Leigh Ann Vradenburg, Executive director Friends of the Bosque del Apache NWR, and John Vradenburg, head biologist are pictured below standing outside the Art Show Tent during the final day of the Festival.
This was a hugely successful Festival - participants and exhibitors were happy, and many visitors to the Refuge were very pleased with the condition of the Refuge- it was perfect! So many were excited by the numbers of wintering birds and great visibility and viewing. People were lined up taking photos at various locations on the refuge, and cranes and geese were close, much to the thrill of the visitors!
We would all like to thank the many tireless and generous volunteers. The Festival absolutely could not have happened without your help! More than 50 volunteers staffed the hospitality tent and the information table at Macey Center in Socorro. More than 30 other volunteers drove vans, fixed meals and worked their hearts out to make this an enjoyable and successful event.
Everyone involved loves and is dedicated to the Refuge, and strives to have visitors feel the same connection to the birds and wildlife and the beautiful and critical habitat!
We are all in this together!
Thanks everyone for a fantastic Festival 2010!

Again, Thank you to our Festival attendees, our wonderful Festival volunteers, our many participants, the great refuge staff, the fine City of Socorro, Friends of the Bosque and everyone who helped and supported us during the popular 23rd Festival of the Cranes 2010!
We could never do this without your help!

© 2010 Sandy Seth (Festival Artist 2010)